Kindersley Town Council Highlights, June 14, 2021

Town Council held a Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, June 14, 2021. The following agenda items were resolved.

5.2: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to amend the agenda of the Regular Meeting of Council held June 14, 2021 to add: Item 8.6 Marathon Equities Tax Abatement Agreement.

8.1: Council resolved to receive as presented the audited financial statements and supporting schedules of the Town of Kindersley for the year ended December 31, 2020, as prepared by MNP LLP; and that these documents are received as information and filed.

8.2: Town Council authorized the abatement of a portion of the 2021 Municipal taxes for assessment number 002028030, 318 Railway Avenue West in the amount of $238.17.

8.3: The Council of the Town of Kindersley authorized the abatement of the 2021 municipal taxes in the amount of $14,268.28 for assessment number 018010500, 105 Colton Drive as per the Charitable Non-Profit Organization Property Tax Abatement Policy.

8.4: Council resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a Tax Abatement Agreement for three years beginning January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2025 with the following: 1. Stile Contracting Inc. 2. Randall G Bacon and Lois A Bacon 3. Barry L. Fahn and Ellen L. Fahn 4. Murray R. Watson and Ying Han 5. Bradly R. Kuntz and Lana E. Bajema 6. Jaymie Holland.

8.5: Town Council resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a Land Transfer Agreement with Motherwell Estates Condominium Corporation.

8.6: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a Property Tax Abatement Agreement with Marathon Equities Corp.

9.1: Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $243,068.19.

10.1: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed June as Parks & Recreation Month in the Town of Kindersley.

11.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following items for acceptance and filing: 1. Policing Report May 2021 2. June 2021 EK Meeting Minutes 3. SaskWater May 2021 Monthly Report 4. WSA Permit to Operate 5. Kindersley Chamber Financial Statements.


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