Kindersley Town Council Highlights, May 27

On Monday, May 27, 2024, Town Council held their Regular Meeting.

6.1: Council resolved to approve as presented the Minutes from the May 13, 2024 Regular Meeting of Council.

7.1: A presentation was given by the Kindersley Pickleball Club to bring awareness to the sport and the need for a new outdoor facility due to the growing number of members attending. Many ideas were discussed during the presentation. Town Council will continue having conversations with the club to find a resolution to the issue.

8.1: Communications Coordinator Anna Polsfut presented the schedule for the Town of Kindersley booth at the Kindersley Chamber of Commerce Trade Show on June 12th and 13th. Councillors signed up for a shift to promote Kindersley, give away swag, and answer resident questions.

8.2: CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) Audrey Hebert presented the Financial Report for April 2024.

8.3: The Council of the Town of Kindersley authorized the abatement of the 2024 Municipal and School taxes as per the 2024 Tax Abatements (Non-Profit Organizations) Schedule.

8.4: Town Council authorized the abatement of the 2024 Municipal taxes, as per Schedule B for properties assessed with two minimum taxes.

8.5: Council approved as presented the “Kindersley Aquatic Centre Safety Manual 2024 Edition”. This Safety Manual came into effect immediately following the passing of this resolution.

9.1: Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley in the amount of $315,987.29.

10.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley approved all three readings of Bylaw 03-24 Being a Bylaw to Incur a Debt.

11.1: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed June as Parks & Recreation Month in recognition of the benefits and values that recreation, parks, and leisure services provide to the people and communities of Saskatchewan.

12.1: Town Council resolved to approve the Consent Agenda which included the following items for acceptance and filing:

  • Downtown Kindersley Association Minutes – May 7, 2024

  • Kindersley Museum Minutes – May 14, 2024

  • KRPA Minutes – April 23, 2024

  • Sask Housing Corp Annual Report

  • National Police Federation Correspondence

  • National Police Federation Polling Results 2023


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