Kindersley Town Council: One-time plumbing subsidy for eligible homeowners

On Monday, July 22, 2024, Town Council held their Regular Meeting.

5.2: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to add item 7.4 Preventative Plumbing Subsidy to the July 22, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council.

6.1: Council resolved to approve as presented the Minutes from the July 8, 2024, Regular Meeting.

7.1: The Financial Report for June 2024 was presented by Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Audrey Hebert.

7.2: Town Council resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into the following Janitorial Service Agreements:

  1. Loreen Jefferies - Administration Office

  2. Shine Time Cleaning Services - Elks Hall & Public Works Shop

  3. Darien Lynch & Shannah Osiowy - Fire Hall

7.3: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved that in accordance with the Tax Enforcement Act, the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized to proceed with tax enforcement on those properties listed in: Schedule "A" to Tax Enforcement Report to Council.

7.4: Council resolved to provide residential homeowners located in Rosedale, Overlord Crescent, 13th Avenue RA District, and the 300 block of 2nd Avenue East, a one-time Preventative Plumbing Subsidy up to a maximum of $500.00 for certified work completed to remove stormwater connections from the Town's Sanitary Sewer System. For more information residents can call 306-463-2675 or go online at

8.1: Town Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley in the amount of $2,366,844.70.

9.1: Three readings of Bylaw 04-24 Being a Bylaw to Provide for the Licensing, Control, Regulation, and Governing of Certain Businesses in the Town of Kindersley were approved.

10.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following items for acceptance and filing:

  1. Kindersley Chamber - Meeting Minutes - June 20, 2024

  2. Kindersley Museum Minutes - July 9, 2024

  3. Policing Report June 2024


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