Kindersley’s Community Choir has been singing for 45 years

By Joan Janzen

Kindersley’s Community Choir has been singing and entertaining Kindersley and the area for 45 years! What an accomplishment!

During the Christmas season of 1989, Joan Netter led the members of the Kindersley Community Choir through their paces as they rehearsed for their Christmas production, “Good News from Bethlehem.” Photo: Kindersley Clarion, November, 1989

An article in the Kindersley Clarion from November 1989 noted the choir’s 10th anniversary. At that time, Joan Netter was the director, and the group also performed its cantata in Luseland, Kerrobert, Rosetown, and Leader.

The number of choir members fluctuated throughout the years, ranging from 35 to as high as 65 at one point. Members aren’t required to have a musical background to join, but they all love to sing and enjoy the camaraderie.

Since 1979, the Kindersley Community Choir has been singing harmoniously and entertaining people with a wide variety of music. This year, the choir combines with the Herschel/Fiske Community Choir. The Kindersley group includes 16 singers plus the director and pianist, and the Herschel/Fiske Choir has 26 singers, for a total of 44. Some of Kindersley’s members have been part of the choir for 25 years. This year, they will perform their cantata in Kindersley, Rosetown, Herschel and Eston.


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