Klippers’ Jaxon Georget becomes new captain

By Jordan Parker

The Kindersley Klippers started the new year with a fresh leadership slate.

During a team meeting on January 4th, 2022, the coaching staff announced winger Jaxon Georget as the new team captain. He takes over for defenceman Mark Snarr, who was traded last month.

Joining him as Assistant Captains are centres, Noah Lindsay and Logan Linklater.

“We picked Georgey because he’s a local kid, and he always leads by example. He works hard every single shift,” said Assistant Coach Mitch Topinka.

“He’s one of those guys that’s just constantly going. He’s the perfect fit for the way this team wants to finish this year, and he encompasses our identity as a group.”

Georget has eight goals and nine assists in 25 games this season and has recorded 12 penalty minutes.

“He’s just a well-respected guy, and everyone realizes how much he puts into his game. When he’s going 100 miles an hour on the ice, he’s like that the entire game,” said Topinka.

“The staff, coaches and players all see how hard he works, and his selection was taken well in the dressing room.”

Topinka jokes Assistant Captain Noah Lindsay is like the “team dad” and says the team really enjoys his presence.

“The guy strives to be better every day, and he always looks to build guys up around him every day,” says Topinka.

“As for Logan Linklater, he’s 18 and a hometown guy. He holds the team accountable and works every day. The guys follow suit.”

Lindsay has been with the Klippers since the 2019-2020 regular season and has amassed 16 points and 14 penalty minutes this season. He was honoured to be named Assistant Captain for the second year in a row.

“I always try to set an example of a complete level and work ethic on the ice,” he said. “Off the ice, I try to know what’s going on with my teammates’ lives, and I want the guys to feel comfortable reaching out.”

He is happy Georget gets to wear the ‘C’ and is excited for what’s to come with his teammate.

“Every captain leads in their own way, and Jaxon sets a standard for hard work every day. He’s a guy you know will bring his all every game. He’s one of my best friends, and I couldn’t be happier for him,” said Lindsay.

He knows that the start to the season hasn’t been what he or the team hoped, but he’s looking forward to the final games in 2022.

“With the adversity our group faced, it’s important to focus on the positives and engage consistent action every day toward our goals,” he said.

“Engaging in consistent action means remembering when we’ve been successful … It also means working hard in the gym and in practice. We need to practice with purpose so it will carry over into games.”

Lindsay sees a great team in the Klippers and hopes that translates into more success on the ice for them.

“We know we have to win games, and it’s just a matter of going out there, having fun and being confident in our game,” he said. “I’m very excited to see what the second half of the season has in store for us.”

Coach Topinka says the leaders on the team are going to need to push the Klippers for better results as a unit.

“We aren’t in the spot we want to be in, but I don’t think anyone is afraid of being an underdog. We hope Noah, Logan and Jaxon lead the way and drive this ship,” he said.

“These are the guys we need to step up, as well as our goalie Matthew Pesenti. He may not have a letter, but he’s always working. He’s heart and soul. We need to win 20 games of our next 27 to lock that playoff spot.”

Topinka says the team has to focus on ensuring the little extras are getting done.

“After Christmas, the games always kind of feel like playoff games. We need to go the extra mile here,” he said.

“Whether it’s making hits, blocking shots or other little things, this is about hard work and finishing strong. We need to stay on track.”


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