Launch of New Multicultural Youth Program

In partnership with SAISIA - Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant and Settlement Integration Agencies and Saskatchewan SWIS Coordination, the RCMP is very proud to announce the launch of a new program for newcomer youth in Saskatchewan. The Multicultural Youth Program is an online program for high school students to build relationships with the RCMP. The first session is scheduled on November 12th with an introduction to the RCMP in English.

“This is an important program that we are excited to be a part of. We are inviting youth to work with us to build trust and understanding,” said Laili Yazdani, Community Program Officer for the Crime Prevention/Crime Reduction Unit.

The program involves a series of workshops on topics identified in a survey completed by youth and SWIS - Settlement Worker in Schools, such as online safety and bullying. Youth who participate in 5 sessions will receive a certificate of participation from the RCMP. Future workshops will be delivered in other languages and will include translation services upon request, with support from SAISIA, Saskatchewan SWIS Coordination and RCMP employees with diverse language profiles. To participate in this program, youth are asked to register online using the web link in the program poster.

“It’s a great opportunity for us at SAISIA to be able to partner with the RCMP for a program that will help build a bridge between our province’s newcomer youth and Canada’s National Police Service. Our youth are our future so their ideas should be encouraged, celebrated and supported as they will be laying the building blocks in shaping a stronger, more compassionate and inclusive society,” says Ahmad Majid, Executive Director of SAISIA.


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