LCB receives Jimmy Pattison Foundation grant

By Joan Janzen

The Luseland Bible Camp (LBC) is excited to watch donations to their Building Project double right before their eyes! Thanks to the generosity of The Jim Pattison Foundation, LBC recently received a matching grant donation of $75,000.

Marilyn Kirk, camp director, said LBC is receiving, both big and small donations to their General Fund, as well as receiving a more substantial amount of $75,000 to the Building Fund. “Each donation helps us do what we do. No donation is too big or too small,” Marilyn said.

She went on to explain, that they applied for the Pattison grant in January, providing an update of where the camp is at, what’s happening, and how the funds will be used. Several years ago, Jim Pattison had taken the time to check out the property at the camp.

Money given to LCB has included donations in memory of people who had lived in the community, donations from businesses in the area, and money received from caring people who appreciate LBC. The Building Fund is mushrooming, but they have not yet reached their goal.

“We have to have 80 percent of the money raised before we begin working. We still have another $100,000 to raise. The goal is $280,000,” Marilyn explained. That money will be used to move the dining hall/kitchen into the present chapel, which is a well insulated building.

“We’re a little camp in a little town, and costs are very high,” Marilyn said. “This is so much bigger than we could do ourselves.” Nevertheless, LCB is getting closer to the finish line, in their race to reach their goal, and they are starting to make plans.

“We’re talking with cooks now about how to make the space most workable. Having their input is huge,” Marilyn said. LCB is also excited to announce their upcoming Spring Fundraising BBQ, which will be held June 16th. There will be lots of family fun and food, and donations will be gratefully accepted.

“It’s been a while since we’ve connected face to face, and we are so looking forward to getting together to celebrate God’s faithfulness over the past 89 years, and are looking ahead with anticipation!” Marilyn concluded.


Smiley, Happy People!


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