Leader trade show returns!

By Joan Janzen

After being absent for a few years, Leader’s annual trade show was again up and running. The Leader Chamber of Commerce hosted the event at the Leader Community Hall on Saturday, September 17th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Lee Elsasser, the Chamber Development Officer, noted there were 32 regular vendors and four young entrepreneurs in the show. During the summer months, youngsters were invited to sell their crafts at the Credit Union marketplace in an outdoor setting. There were four markets held during the summer. The kids did so well that Lee thought they might also like to be part of the trade show.

PHOTOS BY JOAN JANZEN, click for larger images

“The outdoor market was full every week,” she said. “It helped the youngsters use their creativity and business skills. Above all, I wanted to give them confidence in themselves. They were all so excited to be there, and it went better than I thought it would. The kids just kept coming up with more and more creative ideas.”

This is Lee’s first shot at organizing the trade show, as she has been with the Chamber for less than a year. Fortunately, farmers in the area had completed harvest, which helped with attendance at the trade show. Everyone enjoyed walking down the aisle while looking at the wide variety of merchandise available. Face painting was available for the children, and anyone who was hungry could have lunch or a snack at the Big 10-4 booth.

There were also plenty of opportunities to be eligible for door prizes and enter your name in draws offered by many vendors.


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