Leader’s “Walk for Alzheimer’s” was top fundraiser in the southwest

By Joan Janzen

Most people enjoy getting out and going for a walk, and it's even more enjoyable when those people are doing it to help contribute to a worthy cause. Brenda Brehm from Leader was happy to report that the walk in Leader on May 29th to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society was a huge success. In fact, it was the top fundraiser in the southwest part of the province.

"Over 35 people participated. I was blown away by all the support!" Karen said. The participants ranged from kids all the way up to seniors. "My mom, who is 87, participated. She didn't walk as far as everybody else, but that didn't matter. The kids were really into it! Some went the whole five kilometres. I can't praise the people in our community enough." After the walk's completion, a local business served the participants free coffee or tea.

"There were so many more challenges doing the walk this year because of the restrictions. I set the walk up as a last-minute thing and was amazed by how many people responded!" Karen said.

The Alzheimer's Society of Saskatchewan is based in Regina. Its mandate is to empower all people to live well with dementia while funding research into prevention, cures and quality of life. They have all kinds of support groups available, including online groups, a caregiver group, spousal group, early-stage support group, as well as offering all types of learning series.

"Awareness of this disease is so important," Brenda commented. "There are video conferences and other resources available to make living with Alzheimer's easier on families and for the person who has it."

Alzheimer's has affected Karen in a very personal way, as her husband was diagnosed with the condition, however, she said it's amazing how many tools there are to help people with Alzheimer's. Some of those tools use music since music utilizes both sides of the brain. Many Alzheimer's patients are still well able to play an instrument and remember lyrics to songs.

"My husband could never dance until he had Alzheimer's," she said. Now he can step perfectly in time to the music, doing all sorts of dance moves. "I couldn't believe it! Music therapy is a big thing with Alzheimer's!" Karen noted. "I think we have to take the stigma away from Alzheimer's. My call has always been to include people with Alzheimer's as much as possible. It's the little things that make a big difference."

The Alzheimer's walk that took place at Leader was one of those things that helps make a big difference. A big shout out to the people in Leader for all their support!

Photo submitted

Participants gathered together to participate in a Walk for Alzheimer’s on May 29th. Over 35 people participated in the fundraiser, which was the top fundraiser in southwest Saskatchewan.


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