Letter: Enjoying Pop 89 Column

Hello Kate,

I am writing to express how much I enjoy, and am challenged by, the articles written by Madonna Hamel in her Pop 89 column in The Oyen Echo. I find her writing shows humour, a deep love of her family and friends, and such an interesting array of topics. The article in the February 21/2023 issue was excellent. I am currently in a book study for Lent focused on deep listening and the sounds of the desert. This article completely reinforced all the learnings we have taken from the book thus far. Thank you so much for including this author’s unique and refreshing writing. I look forward to reading Madonna’s work each week.

PS Can you please pass on my appreciation to Madonna Hamel on her articles. Thank you very much.

Take care,
Lee Switzer, Sibbald, AB


Growing Through Grief: Guilt


The Klarenbach Report, Feb 28