Letter to the Editor: About Fossil Fuels
When the tumult and the shouting dies, Donald Trump will be seen by all but the feeble-minded as the worst president in American history. Joseph Biden begins his term of office with the daunting tasks of limiting the destruction caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and the damage caused by Trumpean policies internally and among the nations of the world.
When Uncle Sam sneezes, Johnny Canuck must sing “Gesundheit” and offer a big clean bandana. Among the directives, most commendable, are those which virtually shut down all fossil fuel industries in North America. Yet, the demand for energy grows and will grow even more as vehicles on our highways are powered by electric motors.
Non-polluting energy sources are in use now and will continue to be enlarged and refined. Home heating costs will drop as superior insulation methods are found.
There will still be a shortfall. We can cover it by polluting our air by burning our own fossil fuels instead of burning fuels imported at a great cost from Saudi Arabia and Abu Dahbi.
William Wardill
Eatonia Oasis Living