Letter to the Editor: Wheatland Plus 50 Club needs support

HELP! Our Wheatland Senior Centre in Eston is in financial trouble due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Up to the beginning of the pandemic (March, 2020) our club was on a sound financial basis. Since that time our revenues have diminished to almost nothing. We are unable to rent the facilities- our main source of revenue and having to restrict group participation activities further reducing our revenues. Our fixed costs remain the same plus we have 3 major expenses that we must pay (taxes, insurance and accounting fees). The Town of Eston has declined our request for some relief on taxes or deferring till the next year. We calculate that we have enough in reserve to keep the building with heat and power for about 5 months if we do not pay the big bills. WE NEED THE SUPPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY, BUSINESSES, SENIORS, AND OUR MEMBERS TO KEEP THE CENTRE GOING. If we can make it until the restrictions are over we should be able to survive financially once again.. We are a non-profit registered charitable organization so donations are tax deductible. WE ASK FOR YOUR HELP.

Lorne A. Johnson,
Wheatland Plus 50 Club


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