Loaves and Fishes group is all about caring for people

By Joan Janzen

Loaves and Fishes is a non-profit group caring for people in Kindersley and the surrounding area since the beginning of 2020. The area covered extends to the communities of Alsask, Smiley and Brock. The group provides homemade soup and bread to anyone in need and uses the commercial kitchen located at 800 - 12th Avenue East in Kindersley.

During the group’s operations, many people have been the recipients of homemade soup and bread. Barbe Dunn, a group member, listed many different instances where the group’s services were appreciated.

Among those benefitting are families recovering from mental health issues and families with little children managing on a low income. One of those recipients said, “I felt blessed by it. It was greatly appreciated by myself and my kids. The soup was amazing; I loved my homemade soup! It made me feel even more welcome in the community to know that there is that option out there. The bread was so delicious, and it didn’t last long in my house.”

Food packages have also helped out elderly citizens who have no means to extend their finances and are forced to choose between purchasing food or medications. There are also single people with health issues who appreciated receiving food packages since they cannot work.

Homemade soup has been given to single men living on a fixed income that often leaves little funds for groceries. Many seniors have appreciated the convenience of homemade soup that they can simply heat and serve.

“At Christmas time, we served individuals and couples that were alone. The response has always been very heartfelt,” Barbe said. “People are overwhelmed that someone would care for them. It makes them feel that people are aware of their needs and that they matter. The food packages are usually received with much thanksgiving and no sense of being looked down upon.”

The volunteers in the kitchen make soup based on the ingredients which have been donated, and sometimes that includes lentils. The varieties of soup also include Hamburger, Chicken Vegetable and Turkey soup after holidays when donations of turkey are received.

It’s vital that people in our communities look out for one another. The volunteers at Loaves and Fishes are encouraged to see people in the community becoming aware of the needs of others, and as a result, contacting Loaves and Fishes and delivering food packages to them. This is one of the many acts of kindness that makes rural residents feel appreciated.

If you know of anyone who could benefit from packages of homemade soup and bread phone 306-460-9304.


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