Local trick riders are a fan favourite at Kindersley Indoor Rodeo

By Joan Janzen

A favourite attraction at the Kindersley Indoor Rodeo involves a mom and her two young daughters. Trick riders Shelby Simpson, along with her eight-year-old daughter Paisley and six-year-old daughter Hadley, never fail to add the ‘wow factor’ during their three performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Shelby, her husband, and five children, ranging in age from 11 to 4, reside on a grain farm near Plenty, Sask. Although the mother of five is also employed outside the home, she still manages to make time to train her daughters in the art of trick riding. Shelby started her own trick riding training when she was 16 with an instructor from Pincher Creek. She also attended clinics conducted by an instructor from the States.

“We do a lot of riding to get ourselves and the horses in shape,” she explained, stressing the importance of learning how to ride well. “We’re riding horses every day and have a saddle on a barrel downstairs they practice on.” As for trick riding, they begin practicing once or twice a week beginning in the spring.

As an instructor and mother, Shelby starts the girls off very slowly, being very conscious of safety at all times. Although the girls received their own saddles at the age of six years, their mom said she finds it hard to give them more freedom. Because she’s also on a horse during their performances, she’s very aware of the fact she can’t be on the ground with them if something were to happen.

A well-trained horse is a vital component of trick riding. Both horse and rider begin practicing tricks while standing still, then progress to walking in a pen before increasing speed by trotting and loping. The horses also learn where to start and where to end so riders can completely trust their horse.

“I’m very confident in my horse,” Shelby said and isn’t sure what she would do once she needed to retire her trick-riding companion.

“This year, we’ll do four rodeos. We don’t do a whole lot; we try to do other events as well to help the girls learn how to ride,” she said, noting the girls do some barrel racing and gymkhana. While some trick riders perform every weekend, Shelby chooses to do only a few performances each year. Packing up five kids, horses, and everything needed can be exhausting, so the family chooses to perform at rodeos that aren’t too far away.

“We don’t travel more than three or four hours. I really like Kindersley Rodeo because it’s close. We don’t have to pack up, and the kids go to school on Thursday and Friday,” she said. Her girls were also excited to see their photo displayed on the Kindersley rodeo’s promotional poster.

“The girls love having everyone in their class come to the rodeo. They love knowing that people they know come to watch them,” Shelby said.

Not only do the girls love having their friends and family come to watch them, but their many fans are equally excited about watching their trick-riding performances.

We’re all looking forward to more great performances. Thanks, girls, for sharing your talent with us.


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