Maintaining water systems is an essential service

By Joan Janzen

Cattle producers are well aware of the importance of maintaining their water supply, and Brady Wagman from Leader is the guy to call to help them with any problems they may have. He is the owner of Wagman Water and Well Services Ltd.

Brady has fifteen years of working experience in the oil and gas industry. “So technically, I have fifteen years of working around wells and knowledge of problems that can occur down a well,” he said. He also worked alongside Robert Heron, who was in the industry for over 35 years. Now Brady goes far and wide helping ranchers, with summer being his busiest season.

“I go everywhere … from Humboldt to the US border,” he said, adding that he did three jobs in the Regina area this winter. One of the services he offers is the installation of solar systems. “The majority of my solar installs are for remote cattle water systems where it isn’t economical to run single-phase power.”

He explained he has the ability to pump up to 50 gallons per minute out of water wells ranging from 10 to 600 feet in depth. “Along with that, we can either design a system that runs only on solar energy from the sun, or we can also add batteries to the system for a form of autonomy for the cloudy days. I also have the ability to add small wind chargers to these systems,” he explained.

The capabilities of these solar systems have been growing each year. “You can pump set amounts in a 24 hour period or run it on a pressure system to run a remote cabin. We can also fill tanks to a set height to keep tanks full when water is consumed,” he said.

Safety precautions can be installed to prevent pump failure if a well were to run dry. Surface solar pumps are also available for customers who want to move water from one body to another. Each system can be built according to the needs of each individual customer.

Well servicing also involves rejuvenating wells that have slowed in production or have been contaminated. Wells can be repaired in the event of a casing failure, and a number of tools are available to retrieve anything which has been dropped down a well. Servicing and repairing submersible and jet pump systems is another job that Brady takes care of for customers.

“We also have a mobile grouting unit so we can abandon wells that are no longer in use to preserve that aquifer from contamination,” Brady explained. His company is registered with the Sask. Water Security Agency so customers can apply for government grants for new wells or to abandon old wells.

PHOTO: One of the many services Wagman Water and Well Services Ltd. provides, is installing solar power for remote water systems.


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