Maple Creek Knights of Columbus supports “Coats for Kids”

As a joint project with the Swift Current Knights of Columbus Council #3031, the Maple Creek Knights of Columbus Council #8991, along with parishioners of St. Lawrence Church participated in a “Coats for Kids” program. In the spirit of “The Journey of Truth and Reconciliation”, the Knights purchased four cases of girls and boys good quality winter coats. There are twelve coats per case and each case cost $200.00. The coats are being distributed throughout the community with the majority going to our friends and neighbours from Nekaneet First Nation. Further, partners Captain Ed of the Salvation Army and Tina Winsor, Family Advocacy Co-ordinator, are the distributors of the “Coats for Kids”.

Pictured (l-r): Daryl Tumbach, Fr. Hector Seville, Chaplin; Jean Delorme, Peter Sehn, Ray Gordon and Edwin Samson.


Kindersley Museum is all lit up!


Volunteers and donations make Christmas hampers possible