Maple Creek’s Jasper Centre intends to host Post Pandemic Concert

Submitted by Donny White
Board Chair, Jasper Centre

As the Canada Day Festival Celebrations will not be going forward again this year, the Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre announces its intention to host a Post Pandemic Concert on the grounds of the Jasper Centre once the dust settles from the pandemic and the Health Authority gives the green light for outdoor gatherings. The Centre has been working on ideas for the Concert over the past few months and has been in contact with a few entertainers in respect to performing, including a Jazz group from Medicine Hat. We are presently in discussions with the Tourist Office in respect to partnering with elements of the event – other organizations may be brought into the delivery of the event once the details have been fleshed out. As the same time as the Concert, the Centre will be featuring the current exhibitions in the three rotating art/heritage galleries, as well as changes to many of the period rooms throughout the building. It will be an opportunity to promote our facility which is Maple Creek’s largest year round Tourist attraction.

In addition, the Centre is seeking approval from the Town, to have its stage placed on the Jasper Centre grounds throughout the summer months, allowing the Centre to programme a series of activities when protocols allow. It is hoped that by mid to late August we will be able to begin hosting activities on the grounds including the big Post Pandemic Concert. Depending upon weather, we also plan to host some events around the stage and grounds as our contribution to Blaine Filthaut’s Art Month in September.

Keep tuned for updates on the Concert and other outdoor events being planned when the restrictions are lifted.


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