March is Agriculture Literacy Month

The month of March has once again been proclaimed as Agriculture Literacy Month in Saskatchewan.

Agriculture Literacy Month connects students of all ages to agriculture through presentations led by industry volunteers.

“Connecting our youth to agriculture is an important piece of strengthening Saskatchewan’s agriculture sector,” Agriculture Minister David Marit said. “Presentations from industry experts can help educate children on the work that goes into producing the high-quality food that our province is known for.”

Throughout the month of March, industry volunteers, from all levels of food production will join classrooms to share presentations and personal experiences to help students learn more about agriculture.

“Thank you to the many volunteers who will be visiting schools across the province to assist students in learning about such an important industry,” Education Minster Dustin Duncan said. “Agriculture literacy is about teaching our youth that agriculture is about much more than just growing food, it is also about land management, natural resources such as our water and soil systems, sustainable practices and technological innovations.”

Agriculture in the Classroom has been an important organization in Saskatchewan for many years. This year’s theme is agricultural stewardship, which will teach students about the important relationship between producers and the environment.

“Volunteers are vital to the success of Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month,” Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan Executive Director Sara Shymko said. “Having a guest visit the classroom to share their personal agriculture and food story is a real draw for teachers and rewarding for the volunteers. They have fun of course, but most importantly, they are helping to inspire the next generation of agriculture leaders and change-makers with their passion and story.


Drilling rig report for March 1


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