Marketplace and music draw people to Leader

By Joan Janzen

The outdoor marketplace at Leader was a popular venue beginning at 11 a.m. on Thursday, July 27th, and continuing on until mid-afternoon. Great merchandise and good music provided by local musician Alan Hudec, drew a continuous stream of customers. Many people relaxed, listened to the music and enjoyed the sunshine, while others shopped.

Sandhills Credit Union Marketplace had six vendors selling their wares. There were plants and freeze dried candy, handmade Barbie clothes and meat provided by Dry Land Butchering. People were lined up, waiting to purchase the ever popular baking and produce supplied by Estuary Colony.

The youngest entrepreneur present was Reese McCallum, who had hand picked a whole lot of rocks, which she buffed up and identified according to type. There were at least twenty kinds of unique rocks for sale at her table.

Photo: The outdoor marketplace and live entertainment at Leader drew a large crowd on Thursday afternoon, July 27th.


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