Marli Shepherd receives Volunteer Recognition Award

By Joan Janzen

Kerrobert resident, Marli Shepherd was pleasantly surprised when she received a call from the Rivers West District for Sport, Culture & Recreation, informing her she is a recipient of a Volunteer Recognition Award for 2022. Marli was one of three recipients who were awarded the Over-All Volunteer of the Year Award. Celebration of the recipient’s outstanding achievements will be highlighted on the Rivers West website and on their social media throughout the year.

It’s obvious that Marli’s award is certainly well deserved, which is why Veronica Smith, who works alongside Marli at the Kerrobert Town Office, nominated Marli for the award. Marli thanked Veronica for nominating her, and also thanked all the other volunteers for their contributions.

As for Marli, her list of volunteerism is extensive. She is on the Wildlife Committee where she helps out with fundraising. “It was a common interest for me and the rest of my family; everyone in the family hunts,” Marli said. “The committee was struggling and needed help.”

Marli is also an arena representative on the Recreation Board, something she feels is important because “my kids do use a lot of the facilities in town”. She’s also a member on the local Library Board. “I can bring a different perspective since I have younger kids that use the library,” she explained.

She also helps out with the Double AA Wheat Kings and with her younger son’s hockey team. “I just make time for it. Without volunteers, a lot wouldn’t happen,” she said. She noted her commitment to the football committee is a big one, but everyone involved is like minded and likes to get the job done. Marli is one of the founding members of the Kerrobert Football Association, and a communication rep.

As an avid volunteer, Marli knows first-hand the vital role volunteers play in the community. “People need to take a look and volunteer for things to keep our community running strong,” she noted. “A lot of people will volunteer if you ask them, but things are different than they used to be. There’s so much travel involved with kids’ extra curricular activities, so it’s tough for people to make a commitment.”

Nevertheless, she encourages people to get involved, even if it’s in a minor capacity. Every little bit helps. “I encourage my kids to be a part of something,” she said. “They help me with a lot of my jobs. My family is super supportive; I couldn’t do it without them.”

Donna Johnston-Genest, Executive Director, Rivers West District For Sport, Culture & Recreation, said, ”Over the past year, our volunteers have gone above and beyond to keep Sport, Culture & Recreation alive and thriving in our district. Thank you does not cover the immense gratitude we feel towards these individuals, organizations, and communities. Congratulations on your most deserved recognition.”

Marli Shepherd


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