May spotlight results: 451 drivers ticketed for failing to stop or yield

Imagine a world where all drivers ignored red lights, stop signs or yield signs. 

Each intersection would be anarchy – a chaotic mess that would be dangerous for anyone who ventured near it.  

Fortunately, we live in a world where most drivers heed that very basic rule of driving: paying attention to traffic control devices. Most, but not all of them.

May’s Traffic Safety Spotlight focused on being alert regarding the right of way and paying attention to traffic control devices, and the results reported by police across Saskatchewan raised some red flags, because 451 drivers were ticketed for failing to stop or yield. 

Drivers receive a $230 ticket and four demerits for failing to come to a stop at a red light or stop sign, or failing to yield to a pedestrian at a yield sign, or in an uncontrolled intersection.

Avoid raising a red flag, receiving a costly ticket, or – even more importantly – causing a collision that results in an injury (or worse) to you or someone else. Nearly half of all collisions occur at intersections; it’s important to obey stop signs, yield signs and red lights.

Other results from the May’s Traffic Safety Spotlight included:

  • 459 impaired driving offences, including 298 suspensions for exceeding provincial limits and 161 Criminal Code charges

  • 353 tickets for seatbelt and car seat offences;

  • 604 tickets for distracted driving, including 505 for using a cellphone while driving; and

  • 4,155 tickets for speeding and aggressive driving offences.

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