Meals on Wheels could use your help


If you have some free time and enjoy volunteering your time for a worthwhile cause, the Sask Health Authority can help you channel your energy to help people in the community. Bernie Doepker, Director of Volunteer Services for Sask. Health Authority, said volunteers are specifically needed at this time. Because of the pandemic, volunteers over 65 have been asked to step aside temporarily, due to their vulnerability. “This has left most communities with very few volunteers,” Bernie said.

“While we are dealing with this, we really need help from students who are home from university, teens, or those who are working from home. Even volunteering one day a week would help,” she concluded.

Meals on Wheels receives volunteer help through various groups and businesses, such as banks, insurance companies and dealerships, but every volunteer is needed and appreciated. Anyone between the ages of 16-64 is eligible. Generally, in Kindersley, it would involve a one hour commitment during the lunch hour.

“Any amount of time that is available would be a benefit right now,” Bernie said. “We do have volunteers go through screening, reference checks and criminal record checks as well. Then we go through the orientation that’s needed,” she said. This involves sanitation procedures, protocols and training that’s required. And necessary precautions are being taken to ensure deliveries continue safely in the weeks and months ahead.

If you are interested, you can contact your local Meals on Wheels Coordinator to get signed up. Phone 306-463-1000 ext.2504 or email: or you can register on line at the following link

“There’s lots of different people who are spending more time at home, so that’s the people we’re trying to reach,” Bernie concluded.


Karen Barrows is the smiling volunteer who delivered Meals on Wheels to Dawnview apartments on Friday, July 10. Linda Bidochka is seated and waiting to receive her noon hour lunch.



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