Meet the girls at the Kindersley & District Plains Museum

By Joan Janzen

One of the popular go-to places for visitors to Kindersley is the Kindersley & District Plains Museum on 11th Avenue East. When you walk through the doors, you will be greeted by two young ladies, Hailey Gray and Emily Polsfut.

This is Hailey’s first summer working at the museum before she enters Grade 12 in the fall. However, this is Emily’s fourth summer helping out at the museum in various capacities before resuming her studies at the University of Regina.

Emily has done everything from helping organize, painting buildings, mowing grass and many other projects. Both girls started working at the museum in mid-May this year, with Hailey working part-time while she completed her Grade 11.

The girls are available to give directions to people passing through Kindersley or provide information for anyone planning a trip. They provide visitors to Kindersley with the necessary information and tell them about available activities. And, of course, they welcome visitors to the museum.

“It’s busy during July and August. Last weekend we had about forty visitors to the museum. It’s surprising how many people stop here for picnics,” Hailey said, adding that many people, including herself, are often unaware of the extensive amount of artifacts that are housed in the museum. “I’ve learned a lot,” she added.

The girls have quite a few elderly gentlemen on-site who volunteer at the museum and regularly quiz the two young employees.

“The guys bring us stuff and quiz us, saying they’ll give us three guesses to identify the object,” Hailey said. “They’re always asking us to name random things or give us projects to do. They keep us out of trouble, and they’re really nice and funny too.” And Hailey and Emily are always on hand to answer all the senior volunteers’ technology and computer questions.

“When I first started, some elderly guy came in and told me I could be at home having babies and marry a guy with lots of cows,” Hailey laughed, adding, “But I’m only 16!”

In addition to helping out at the museum, the girls help out with town events like a recent scavenger hunt which ended at the museum where participants received a prize. At the end of July, the girls will be holding a two-day camp at the museum for kids ages 5-10 years. They’ve already received all the registrations and have a good mix of girls and boys signed up. The girls have planned many activities for the kids, including crafts, colouring, outdoor games, a scavenger hunt around the museum and ice cream sundaes for a treat.

If you’re planning to visit the museum this summer, be sure to stop and chat with the girls. Emily will be working until August 22nd, and Hailey will be there to greet visitors until mid-September.

The girls at the museum (l-r) Emily Polsfut and Hailey Gray.


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