Motion passed for closure of New Brigden School

By Joan Janzen

New Brigden residents were alarmed by the news they received from the public board meeting held on April 13, 2021. At that time, the Board of Trustees passed a notice of motion for the closure of the New Brigden School. This is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school, staffed by Principal Gayle Vas, Lorrie Tye - support staff, and Educational Assistant - Shelby Bamber. As well as serving New Brigden, the school serves Esther, Sedalia and the surrounding area.

Staff and students at the school share unique opportunities throughout the year that highlight the agriculture industry, which is valuable since the entire student body comprises rural students. During calving season, a Grade 1 student shared a video of a calf born by c-section and the vet stitching up the mother. The Grade 1 student got to spray on the liquid bandaid after the procedure was completed. As can be expected, her classmates had many questions. But this youngster had more exciting displays to share.

She brought in the top of a calf’s skull, the brain and part of the heart, which she and her dad had dissected. The students were thrilled! Her dad acknowledged that not many schools would support allowing a youngster to bring in dissected specimens. A comment on social media said the best part of small rural schools is the interactive and hands-on learning. These are obviously attributes that the families who are part of New Brigden School appreciate most.

The students are also encouraged to show appreciation to the staff. A staff member was showered with flowers, special messages, a breakfast sandwich, a new Flames hat and a pizza and ice cream lunch on her birthday. That’s not a common occurrence in most schools.

This isn’t the first time the New Brigden School has been faced with possible closure. In 2017 parents in the hamlet won the fight despite having only four students enrolled. Nevertheless, the parents noted by 2020, the school would have six times as many students enrolled, the residents raised $72,000 to keep the school open, and parents agreed to volunteer to take care of the school’s maintenance.

Although the Prairie Rose Public Schools sent out an information package to the families on April 29, it will not include information on what parents believe is the best part of small rural schools - the personal interaction. But the package will consist of information regarding enrolment, facilities and maintenance, transportation and finances, and will be made available on the school’s website for public viewing. Families and board members will have the opportunity to study this information before the scheduled May 13th public meeting, which will be held online at 7:00 p.m.

After this meeting, the public is invited to send written submissions to the board for consideration. People can also apply to make an in-person presentation before the final decision will be made at a public board meeting on June 29, 2021.

New Brigden School (January 2021)


Photo by Kate Winquist


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