New clubhouse for Kindersley Wildlife Federation

By Joan Janzen

The Kindersley Wildlife Federation held a barbeque, awards presentation and trap shoot on Sunday afternoon, May 15. “We couldn’t have asked for a better day,” commented Dan Kachmarski. However, many were unable to attend because of seeding operations and other commitments.

Usually the awards are presented at the Wildlife banquet held in February or March of each year; the Wildlife Federation is planning to have their next banquet in 2023. “It is one of our biggest fundraisers, and we did really well on it, having great community support,” Dan said.

Participants were able to check out the 26’ x 26’ clubhouse on Sunday afternoon. “It’s a garage package we bought and went at it from there,” Dan said. Wildlife Federation volunteers did all the work. “We have people who are electricians and I used to build houses for a living; everyone helped out. It was all volunteer labour. We have lots of community support, no doubt that that.” Dan noted that much work has been completed during the last six years, but there’s still much more to be done.

Right now the clubhouse is running on generators and power is definitely needed. “It will cost $33,000 plus taxes to get electricity in there. We’re about half way there, so it’s coming,” Dan said. With 389 members pitching in to help, they could obtain the necessary remaining funds needed. “If everyone pitched in, it would help immensely,” Dan concluded.

Their regular schedule includes trap shoots every Wednesday evening at 6:30 and Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m., weather permitting. “We’ll have our own registered shoot in July, bringing people from all over Saskatchewan and Alberta. We have had lots of phone calls about that one,” Dan explained. He estimated they could have 35-40 people attending. “We have really good sponsors that help us out.” People come from Medicine Hat, Estevan, Cold Lake, Athabaska, Lloydminster, Wainwright, Swift Current, Saskatatoon and throughout Saskatchewan for the shoot.

Photos by Kate Winquist


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