New Memory Tree Program rolls out in Kerrobert

By Joan Janzen

The Town of Kerrobert is introducing a new Memory Tree program for 2025. For the first time, residents have the opportunity to purchase a tree in memory of their loved one, which will be planted at one of several locations in Kerrobert. The Town will plant the tree, install a marker in memory of their loved one, and also maintain the tree.

Recreation Director Marli Shepherd said people can choose to have their trees planted at Hillside Park, Poolside Park, the fairgrounds, Courthouse, nature trail, golf course, reservoir, cemetery, or Prairieland Community Center.

“The location will determine the types of trees that can be planted. We have a variety for each location,” Marli explained. Residents can choose between one-two gallon trees and ten gallon trees, at a cost of either $100 or $250. The project will honour loved ones who have passed on and help beautify the Town by planting trees throughout the community.

Anyone who would like to have a tree planted is asked to contact the Town of Kerrobert by April 15th, 2025. The Town hopes to plant several trees early in the spring.

If you’re interested or have questions, contact the Town at 306-834-2361 or email


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