October is Foster Families Month

SFF looking for caregivers in Kindersley

By Joan Janzen

The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed October as Foster Families Month to celebrate the many contributions of foster families across the province.

“Foster families help strengthen families by opening their homes and hearts to children and youth in times when their families are in crisis. I want to thank all foster families providing essential family-based care, supporting children and helping other Saskatchewan families in need.”

SFF Executive Director Deb Davies said, “The month of October gives us the honour to celebrate the love, compassion and commitment that foster families make each and every day to children and their families who need support. It’s about families helping families.”

There are currently more than 415 foster families in Saskatchewan, and SFF is looking for caregivers in Kindersley. They have a six-step process for anyone who may be interested in making a meaningful difference in a child’s life.

Applicants can be single, married or living common-law homeowners or renters, with or without children. Experience with or a willingness to learn about children with special needs is required. All adults living in the home need to pass a criminal record check and pass a child protection screening.

The six steps required usually take approximately four months to complete. The process begins by contacting the SFF to receive an information package and possibly speak to a foster parent about their experiences. If you wish to proceed further, the SFF will refer you to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services to start the process.

An in-person meeting and interview will then be arranged with a social worker, after which the Ministry will send out reference checks to friends and family and conduct criminal record checks. The next step is a 30-hour training process conducted by a social worker and an experienced foster parent. Once completed, you will acquire first aid and CPR training. Once all this has transpired, you will be contacted when there’s a suitable match.

During your first year, you will be supplied with support from an experienced social worker who is assigned to your home. They will help you navigate the fostering system and check in on you regularly.

The SFF has Leadership Committees around the province to help provide helpful and meaningful connections for foster parents. Networking with other families in the area is possible through means of planned events and meetings.

SFF always looks forward to the chance to get to know caring families who are interested in fostering.


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