Pastor Lloyd Griffith is retiring

By Joan Janzen

The folks at Clearview Brethren In Christ Church will miss Pastor Lloyd Griffith, who will be retiring on April 30, 2021. Pastor Lloyd has been pastoring for thirty-some years and is a man of many talents.

Growing up in Deloraine, Manitoba, Pastor Lloyd moved to Saskatchewan to attend university in 1975, but his plans changed. “I stepped out of university in 1976 without completing my degree,” he said. Eighteen years later, he went back to finish his Bachelor’s degree. “That was interesting! After eighteen years - that’s what you call bran strain,” he laughed. “We had six kids. It was always a balancing act, going to school, studying and raising a family. But it was a springboard for me to go from there to attend Briercrest Seminary, and I left there with a Master’s degree.”

Pastor Lloyd started pastoring in Prince Albert, then went on to Delisle from 1989 to 2000, and from there he moved to Kindersley. “I stepped out from pastoring in 2003 and worked for the Kindersley School Division as a student councillor. The Kindersley School Division transformed into the Sunwest School Division, and Lloyd worked in that capacity until 2006.

In 2007 Lloyd picked up a skill he had attained back in high school and started up Griffith Construction. “I had done years of construction, basically residential, not commercial,” he explained. “I came back as part-time pastor at Clearview Brethren In Christ Church in May of 2012 until I wrapped up my business, and then went full-time starting October 1, 2012.”

Regarding his construction business, Lloyd said he always enjoyed the hands-on aspect of construction. “At the end of the day, you can always see what you’ve accomplished. Pastoral ministry isn’t that way all the time,” he said, adding that what he’ll miss the most after retirement is seeing people’s lives transformed by the Lord Jesus and being an active participant in their journey.

After retirement, Lloyd still plans to be busy. “I’ll do some tinkering around with construction, pick up some odd jobs, and I’m always busy helping my kids with their projects,” he said. “And I’ll do some stuff for my wife.”

Lloyd and his wife Ruth have gone on eight or nine mission trips since 2012 and were hoping to focus on missions after retirement, but that won’t be happening in the near future. However, Ruth stays connected with contacts in Cuba. “Things in Cuba are desperate,” he explained. “People there are lucky to eat once a day and stand in line for two days for food. We have been raising funds and sending funds to pastors who distribute the funding to church members, to help specifically with food. It’s meaningful for people to help out.”

“We can still stay active on this end raising support, but the really hands-on experience of going and interacting with people is a phenomenal experience. I would encourage anyone to go on a mission trip. It’s a life-changing deal.”

Pastor Lloyd will be preaching his last message on April 25. “I’m hearing rumours that there might be some stuff happening on the last Sunday of April,” he said, indicating an upcoming farewell was in the making.

The residents of Kindersley are grateful for everything Pastor Lloyd has contributed to Kindersley and for all he will continue to contribute after retirement.


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