Regular Meeting of Kindersley Town Council

Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 1.1

Resolution No. 21-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley, having established quorum, resolves to call the February 8, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council to order at the hour of 5:04 PM.

MOVED: Councillor Dean Galbraith

SECONDED: Councillor Chris Baker


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 2.2

Resolution No. 22-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT, the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves to adopt the Agenda for the February 8, 20212 Regular Meeting of Council as presented; and THAT a copy of this Agenda be attached to and form part of the Minutes of this Meeting.

MOVED: Councillor Rob Anderson

SECONDED: Councillor Warren Schafer


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 4.1

Resolution No. 23-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves that whereas the time being 5:05 PM, that the Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned to a confidential in Camera Meeting to review the following:

Long Range or Strategic Planning - 1

Documents of a Local Authority - 1

Advice from Officials - 2

Third Party Information - 1

Protection of Privacy - 1

MOVED: Councillow Gary Becker

SECONDED: Councillor Dean Galbraith


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 5.1

Resolution No. 24-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT, the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves that whereas the time being 6:42 PM, that the Confidential In Camera meeting is concluded and the Regular Meeting of Council is reumed.

MOVED: Councillor Chris Baker

SECONDED: Councillor DEan Galbraith


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 6.1

Resolution No. 25-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves to approve as presented the Minutes from the January 25, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council and THAT these Minutes be attached to and form part of the Minutes of this Meeting.

MOVED: Councillor Warren Scafer

SECONDED: Councillor Gary Becker


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 7.1

Resolution No. 26-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley approve the Application (DU#21-01) for a Discretionary Use at the Residence of 36 Kay Crescent.

ON THE CONDITION THAT it complies with the Development Standards of Discretionary Use pursuant to Section 4.11.3 (1) to (9), of Zoming Bylaw 04-14.

ON THE CONDITION THAT the Applicant obtains a Business License from the Town prior to operation, and every year of operation; and

THAT if any of the conditions outlined above are not met for this proposed Discretionary Use, then the permit may not be approved and/or may be revoked.

MOVED: Councillor Deam Galbraith

SECONDED: Councillor Rob Anderson


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 8.1

Resolution No. 27-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $135,021.14 and THAT a copy of said accounts be attached to and form a part of the Minutes of this Meeting.

MOVED: Councillor Gary Becker

SECONDED: Councillor Warren Schafer


Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 9.1

Resolution No. 28-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following items for acceptance and filing:

  1. Kindersley RCMP Detachment - Statistics to January 28, 2021

  2. Ministry of the Environment - Cell 1B Approval - January 28, 2021

  3. Chamber of Commerce - Board Meeting Minutes - Jan 7, 2021

  4. Chamber of Commerce - Board Meeting Agenda - Feb 4, 2021

MOVED: Councillor Dean Galbraith

SECONDED: Councillor Rob Anderson

Resolution of the Council of the Town of Kindersley

Agenda No. 13.1

Resolution No. 29-21

Date: February 8, 2021

THAT the Council of the Town of Kindersley resolves that all business having been concluded, the February 8, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned at the hour of 6:54 PM.

MOVED: Councillor Chris Baker

SECONDED: Councillor Dean Galbraith



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