RM of Snipe Lake has new Reeve

The Rural Municipality of Snipe Lake’s municipal election had a strong turnout of 213 voters. Here is a list of the successful candidates.

Reeve: Al Harpestad

Division 1 - Larry Ryland (acclaimed)

Division 2 - Lisa Oakland

Division 3 - Trent Ilott (acclaimed)

Division 4 - Dustin Meyer

Division 5 - Sandy (John) Sutherland (acclaimed)

Division 6 - Jeremy Hartsook

Division 7 - Bradley Williams

Division 2, 4 and 6 are starting year three of a four-year term. The election process for those divisions will be in the fall of 2026.

The RM of Snipe Lake appreciates the years of service provided by Bill Owens, Neil Johnston and Verna Thompson.


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