Seven band students from Kindersley and Marengo participate in prestigious event

By Joan Janzen

MARENGO/KINDERSLEY - Five students from Kindersley Composite Highschool (KCS) and two students from Westcliffe School in Marengo participated in the U of S High School Select Wind Orchestra during the first weekend in February. Serenity Malcolm, Shera Card, Lee Maki, Kaitlyn Herner and Sam Paulino represented KCS, and Sierra Ensor and Samson Winter represented Westcliffe School. They were selected based on band director nominations.

Students representing Kindersley Composite High School at the U of S High School Select Wind Orchestra were (l-r): Serenity Malcolm, Shera Card, Lee Maki, Kaitlyn Herner and Sam Paulino. Dr. Glen Gilles, faculty at U of S Department of Music, is on the far left, and KCS teacher Michael Reece is on the far right.

Sierra Ensor (left) and Samson Winter (right), students representing Westcliffe Composite School in Marengo at the U of S High School Select Wind Orchestra, are pictured with KCS teacher Michael Reece.

112 students from across the province attended the event. The students' teacher, Michael Reece, said the group was thrilled to perform with such a large ensemble. It enabled them to experience the richness of playing alongside instruments that are not always available in rural bands and connect with musicians from across the province who share their passion for music.

The U of S Department of Music offers the High School Select Wind Orchestra project as an opportunity for promising high school-aged students to work with outstanding faculty. Michael said the repertoire was more challenging than they typically encounter in class, thus providing an excellent opportunity for growth.

"Many students said the experience was invaluable and returned with new skills and techniques to apply in their own ensembles," Michael said.

The weekend was also packed with activities for the students.

"They began with a two-hour rehearsal on Friday evening, followed by a full day of rehearsals on Saturday, with a lunch break," he explained. "They received the music a few weeks in advance and used these rehearsals to polish their musicianship."

The group of seven also had the opportunity to attend workshops where instrument specialists focused on specific instruments and sections. It was another opportunity to help the students refine their skills, explore new techniques, and elevate their performance. 

"The weekend culminated in an outstanding performance at the U of S Department of Music, where friends, family and community members from across Saskatchewan witnessed the results of their dedication," Michael said.

It was a weekend filled with music, learning, lasting friendships, and the opportunity to perform alongside peers who excel in their band programs.


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