Support local business during Small Business Week!

You’ve heard the phrase “Shop Local” before, but do you know what it really means for your community?

Shopping local means buying groceries in town rather than running to the city, it means shopping at your local hardware store rather than ordering on Amazon, it means running an ad in the local newspaper rather than just posting on Facebook.

When we support local, we are supporting a local family. Our local businesses and entrepreneurs are the life of our communities. They pay local taxes and create local jobs.

Supporting local literally helps business owners put food on their table, it keeps kids in our schools and in our sports programs. Spending local means businesses have money to donate back to community groups.

Quite simply, the money we choose to spend here, stays here. And the reality is every dollar spent online leaves our area and is never coming back.

If the state of the world has taught us anything maybe it is the value of community. We need each other, and we rely on each other. So let’s support each other. Together, we can keep our business community strong in these tough times and beyond.

The question isn’t, why shop local? The real question is what happens to our area if we don’t?

This message brought to you by Your Southwest Media Group


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