The benefits of karate for kids

By Joan Janzen

ROSETOWN - As teachers, parents and students are preparing for a new school year, parents are also looking for additional activities for their children. Many children are excited about enrolling in karate classes at Rosetown Karate, located at 815 Main Street in Rosetown. Chief instructor, Sensei Dave Smith, at Rosetown Karate, has many years of experience teaching and officiating at provincial, national and international competitions and is a class “B” qualified judge with international experience.

Children as young as seven can try up to three classes before deciding if they want to continue. Their parents are also welcome to watch their children for the first few weeks to help the child determine if they wish to continue. Of course, adults are welcome as well, however, karate offers significant benefits for children.

Obviously, there are physical benefits, such as improved hand-eye coordination and motor skills, gaining quicker reflexes and releasing some of that extra energy! It will also improve posture, flexibility and agility, plus serve as a great workout while having fun. But there’s much more.

One of the most significant benefits for kids is improved concentration, as they listen and observe new moves. Karate helps build a child’s confidence and self-worth as they work toward achieving specific goals. They can work at their own pace to earn a different coloured belt for every new skill they master. They’ll also learn about managing their anger and increase their self-discipline. Children learn how to stay focussed and practice self-control.

Showing respect is one of the core values in martial arts. Youngsters show respect for their instructor and each other in a positive atmosphere. In turn, the teacher will encourage and correct their students, which helps kids become more open to instruction and directions.

Since karate emphasizes collaboration, kids will learn to interact with one another as they partner with classmates to practice various kicks or punches. As a result, lasting friendships are formed. And they’ll have less time to spend in front of a screen or device.

Considering all of these benefits, you soon realize karate is about much more than building athletic skills.

Parents can check out Rosetown Karate’s website to find a membership application and either email it to or bring it to the first class, which begins on Tuesday, September 7th.


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