The Klarenbach Report May 31

Independent Grain and Special Crops Market Analysis

“News Follows Price”

“Prices lead fundamentals.”

“Prices lead, fundamentals follow.”

Perhaps you have heard these terms before.

It can be a difficult concept to understand.

It requires an understanding of Technical Analysis.

It took an observation of thousands, then millions of charts.

I believe it now.

“Prices lead, fundamentals follow.”

This concept is understood by some of the greatest investors of all time.

Paul Tudor Jones II, the founder of Tudor Investment Corporation, said in Jack D. Schwager’s Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders (1989):

“I always believe that prices move first and fundamentals come second.”

Jones believes that the price looks to the future and anticipates the fundamentals soon to follow.

On May 11, I published my Bullish sentiment anticipating a move higher based on the Kansas City and Chicago wheat charts in the Klarenbach Grain Report.

On May 14, India announced a ban on exports.

Wheat experienced a 14% move five days following the May 11 publication.

On May 27th, readers of the Klarenbach Grain Report were alerted to Soybeans attempting to breakout to 10-year highs.

What will the news be if this breakout attempt is successful?

What will this mean for Canola?

I am fascinated with this concept.

I think you will be too.

Trent Klarenbach, BSA AgEc, publishes the Klarenbach Grain Report and the Klarenbach Special Crops Report, which can be read at


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