The Living Word: Is 100% enough?


During a 48-hour work shift at a Texas hospital in March, the exhausted Christian medical doctor, Richard Bartlett, a man with many years of experience, was silently praying. His burden in prayer was how to effectively treat patients who presented with Covid-19. At one point he took a nap during a quiet time between patients. At that time he was conditioned by all the media to be fearful of this virus. When he awoke he sensed that God had answered his prayer and had given him a treatment that would save lives.

It wasn’t long before he had the opportunity to test the treatment that inspiration brought to his mind during those few moments of quiet time. He treated many patients with this simple, inexpensive treatment. Every one - 100% of the patients recovered completely and quickly - for which he said “Thank you, Jesus.” All fear vanished and he confidently participated in an interview on America Can We Talk on July 2.

He has written a paper that is about to be published, detailing the simple treatment. He is making it available to the public who can request it by contacting Debbie at This same paper has been shared with political officials who contacted him, and it has also been sent to President Trump.

In the current corrosive conduct of the divisive atmosphere there is much pushback against anyone who takes a stand for honesty and integrity. There are several aspects of this interview that are under public scrutiny. The denunciations and verbal attacks began immediately regarding the treatment. They are blatant and ongoing by those with no medical understanding. There is mockery of his admission that he is a Christian, and that he prays for wisdom from God to guide him, and then gives thanks to God for blessing him. Personal attacks on his integrity and medical expertise seem to be part of the effort to diffuse and eradicate any relevancy regarding the treatment. On the positive side, there is encouraging reasonable response, including some of those who were Dr. Bartlett’s patients who approve of his treatment and are grateful for their recovery.

It is important to realize that the public issues that we deal with on a daily basis are only part of a total picture. The world is in the final throes of a fierce spiritual battle between good and evil forces. We must be aware that moral principles are the real issues. Those who stand openly and firmly for principles of God’s word have become very unpopular, to the point of being reviled and persecuted. For all such individuals the promises of the Bible are indisputable, unchangeable, and always true. We are promised: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5 NKJV). Also, “… all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:2).

Dear reader, the story of Dr. Bartlett is only one example of one person’s unselfish desire to help humanity, but who is being defamed. Let us resolve to seek for divine wisdom to sort through all the many diverse, and even outrageous philosophies and opinions that we are confronted with, in order to know what is 100% truth. Let us then ask for the strength to remain100% faithful regardless of all the accusations and denunciations that may result from our own obedience to God’s word.


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