Town of Kindersley Council Report, May 1, 2021

Town Council held their Regular Meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021. The following agenda items were resolved.

7.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley approved the Discretionary Use Application (DU#21-06) for a Discretionary Use at the residence of 108 – 5th Avenue West. On the condition that it complies with the Development Standards of Discretionary Use pursuant to Section 4.11.3 (1) to (9), of Zoning Bylaw 04-14 and that the Applicant obtains a Business License from the Town prior to operation, and every year of operation. If any of the conditions outlined above are not met for this proposed Discretionary Use, then the permit may not be approved and/or may be revoked.

7.2: Council approved the Discretionary Use Application (DU#21-05) for a Discretionary Use at the residence of 118 – 4th Avenue West. On the condition that it complies with the Development Standards of Discretionary Use pursuant to Section 4.11.3 (1) to (9), of Zoning Bylaw 04-14 and that the Applicant obtains a Business License from the Town prior to operation, and every year of operation. If any of the conditions outlined above are not met for this proposed Discretionary Use, then the permit may not be approved and/or may be revoked.

7.3: Town Council resolved to accept the recommendation of the Adjudication Committee and awards LUK Plumbing and Heating & Electric LTD. as the successful bidder for the West Central Events Centre Dehumidifier project as per the submitted tender, and that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) are directed to enter into an agreement in the amount of $143,437.00 CAD plus applicable taxes.

7.4: The Council of the Town of Kindersley directs Administration to distribute approved funding to the following applicants from the Community Grant Program, 2021 Spring intake: $750.00 each, Kindersley Legion, Kindersley & District Library, Kindersley Chamber, Pathway to Wellness, Walking Trail Committee, Kindersley Curling Rink, Kindersley Food Bank, Westberry School, Canadian Fallen Heroes, for a total allocation amount of $6,750.00.

7.5: Council acknowledges the Drinking Water Quality and Compliance Report for the Town of Kindersley Water Supply System and Treatment Plant 2020 Notice to Consumer which has been submitted to the Water Security Agency in accordance with the Water Works and Sewage Works Regulations, 2015.

7.6: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a Community Airport Partnership Agreement with the Ministry of Highways for 2021 upgrades at the Kindersley Regional Airport.

8.1: Town Council resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $398,768.01.

9.1: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed the week of May 16-22, 2021 as National Public Works week in the Town of Kindersley. The Council encourages all residents to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health, safety, and the quality of life.

9.2: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed April 28th, 2021 be recognized as A Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace in the Town of Kindersley. Council encourages all business owners, workers, and residents to actively participate in educating themselves on workplace safety.

9.3: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed the week of May 2-8, 2021 to be Emergency Preparedness Week in the Town of Kindersley. Council encourages all residents to participate in educating themselves on emergency preparedness by downloading early warning apps, preparing to shelter in place, and remaining aware of developing situations in the community.

9.4: Mayor Rod Perkins proclaimed that April 18-24, 2021 was National Volunteer Week. Council encourages all residents to continue in thanking volunteers, and to support the fine organizations in our community by becoming a volunteer.

10.1: Town Council resolved to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following items for acceptance and filing: Chamber Activities Update – 2019-2020, SaskWater March 2021 Monthly Report, Annual Vegetation Management Program FAQ, Annual Vegetation Management Program Letter.


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