Unique fundraiser for Dr. David S. Mulder Eston District Health Foundation

Just over one year ago, the Dr. David S. Mulder Eston District Health Foundation Inc. held its gala inauguration dinner at the Eston Legion Hall.

The Foundation – aimed at supporting family-centred health care in Eston and district – is named for Dr. David Mulder, an internationally-known thoracic surgeon and veteran Montreal Canadiens team doctor. He was born and received his basic education in Eston.

One of the first tasks of the new Foundation’s board of directors was to develop a fundraising campaign. Several projects were on the drawing board when the coronavirus pandemic hit last spring, putting everything on hold.

Until this past week.

The Foundation carried out a novel fundraiser based on an idea put forward by board member Crystal Adams: lunch for local business employees delivered to their place of work.

According to Foundation chairman Brian Shauf, “in this challenging year of Covid-19, when we can’t get together for a seasonal celebration, we thought this would be a way for employers to thank their employees for a job well done all year.”

In all, 161 meals were delivered to 18 businesses over a three-day period.

The lunches were prepared by Ken and Chris Durocher at The Jug Family Restaurant, packaged in bright, cheery Christmas gift bags and delivered by Foundation board members.

The project was a great success, Shauf said. Some businesses are hoping we will repeat it in the new year.

“It was a great way to boost morale throughout the town while at the same time raising some funds for a worthwhile cause.”


PHOTO: Pictured above are members of the board of the Dr. Davis S. Mulder Eston District Health Foundation preparing to deliver lunches to local businesses last week. Smiling behind their masks are, from left, Wayne Sinclair, Crystal Adams and Gary Johnson with Ken and Chris Durocher of The Jug Family Restaurant who prepared and packaged the meals.

Photo by Verna Thompson


Santa’s Hut


Coleville kids shop fast and furiously at Santa’s Hut!