Welcome to Pioneer Haven’s new manager

By Joan Janzen

Krystal Bazylinski stepped into her new position as manager of Pioneer’s Haven in Kerrobert on February 22nd, 2022. Although she was born and raised in Dawson Creek, B.C., after completing high school, Krystal moved to Saskatchewan, where she met her husband, Ryan.

The couple lived in Grande Cache, Alberta, for nine years before moving to Luseland in 2012, with their two small children, where her husband had relocated for work.

“My husband was born and raised in Major, so we knew the area, and all of his family is here,” Krystal explained. “We chose to live in Luseland because it seemed like a nice, friendly town. And we were right! The pool was the kicker.” The couple loved the fact that their kids could be independent and walk to the pool, where they spent most of their time in the summer. “Now they are both lifeguards,” she said. Their son, Fox, is 16, and their daughter, Keagan, 19, just graduated from Firefighting School.

Krystal is also in the middle of finishing a diploma course in Project Management through Sask. Poly Tech, for which she received a full scholarship! Previous to this, she completed the Business Management program through Sask. Poly Tech. Now she says, at Pioneer’s Haven, she has finally found where she belongs.

A typical workday for Krystal involves many activities. Staff shifts, phone calls, arranging activities for the residents and placing grocery and supply orders. “My favourite thing is interacting with the residents, making sure their needs are met, and listening to their stories,” she said.

“As manager, a big part of my duties is fundraising; I love it!” Krystal said. She loves coming up with creative ways to raise money while the board handles the day-to-day operations. “It takes a big weight off, as we are a non-profit organization and depend on donations and fundraising.” Most of the facility’s operating funds come from surrounding municipalities, with donations and fundraising generating additional income.

Krystal isn’t a novice when it comes to fundraising, as she is on the Luseland Town Council and treasurer on the Luseland Wildlife Federation board, where she has helped raise funds. Of course, as a parent, she was involved in fundraising for activities her kids were interested in.

Now Krystal is forging ahead with both old and new plans for Pioneer’s Haven. Not only are regular events like Soup and Sandwich Day and a High Tea returning in April, but Krystal said she is pushing ahead with bigger ideas so the facility can get their upgrades done! Those bigger ideas include obtaining a raffle licence for an online 50/50 in April.

She’s also pairing up with Jared Fischer from Luseland to host a “Paint Party,” which is open to the public. “Big things are coming, so I hope everyone watches for more to come!” Krystal said.

Not only is the public invited to enjoy these events, but the residents love being a part of every activity. Krystal said, “It’s fun for them and getting back that interaction with the community is great! It’s great to see those smiling faces come back!”

Volunteers from the surrounding communities help make all the ‘big’ events happen, and the staff helps set up and takedown. “It’s a huge group effort, and the residents, staff and especially myself are so thankful for the time put in from volunteers!” Krystal said. Those activities include exercise classes, Chair Yoga, manicure days, church services, sing-songs and hair cuts. “It’s fabulous!” Krystal concluded.

PHOTO: Krystal Bazylinski (right) and a Pioneer Haven resident.


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