What an extravagant snow fort!

By Joan Janzen

If you drive down 5th Street Crescent in Kindersley, you might notice one particular residence which has a pile of snow in the front yard that literally hides the house. But if you take a closer look, you’ll discover it’s not just a pile of snow, but an extravagant snow fort.

The architect and builder is Ryan Rostie, a single dad of two children, aged four and seven. According to Ryan’s mother, Melody Rostie, the ambitious and energetic father of two had been known to be outside shovelling and working on the fort until three in the morning.

“It’s something he has wanted to build for a long time, but never had enough snow to do the job,” she said. This year’s significant snowfall was the perfect opportunity.

The interior of the structure comes with numerous special features, including moulded snow benches for comfortable seating, a chimney, and three escape tunnels. Once outdoors, there’s a stairway on the back side which leads to the top, where a just-for-fun slide is located.

Good work, Ryan on building such high-end snow real estate.

Ryan Rostie built an extravagant snow fort for his two children, aged four and seven. The fort located on 5th Street Crescent in Kindersley includes bench seating, a chimney, three tunnels, a stairway and a slide.

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Book: Not Here To Stay


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