Wicked weather wallops west central region

Mother Nature painted a pretty scary picture last Tuesday evening near Eatonia. On Tuesday, July 5 there were two tornadoes in Saskatchewan.

The first was from a severe thunderstorm that moved through west central Saskatchewan. Environment Canada received reports of a tornado near Madison. This tornado was rated as an EF-0 and no damage was reported. The second was reported near Smiley. This tornado was also rated as an EF-0 and no damage was reported. Data Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Mother Nature painted a pretty scary picture last Tuesday evening near Eatonia.

Funnel cloud spotted east of Smiley. PHOTO BY JANELLE FAICHUK

Six miles south of Glidden at the Glidden Colony. PHOTO BY MATT KLEIN

A view of the storm from Lacadena. PHOTO BY KAREN FRAME

North of Coleville. PHOTO BY BILL TRARBACK


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Caleb resident, Margaret Deiner