8 Unusual but Extremely Canadian Winter Sports

1. Skijor - Cross-country skiing is a common and well-loved snow sport. To spice things up a little, try skijoring. Skijor is essentially cross-country skiing while being pulled by one or several dogs. Both the skier and dogs are strapped to harnesses connected by rope. While the skier pushes on with their skis and poles, the dogs tug and pull to speed them up. Although dogs are most common, horses are also used.

2. Dog sled - Maybe you’re looking for a sport like skijoring, but would rather sit back and “relax” while the work is done for you. In that case, dog sledding is exactly what you’re looking for. Wrap yourself in several blankets, feel the cold wind flow through your hair and cry out “mush!”

3. Luge - If you’re looking for adrenaline, then luge is for you. One of the oldest winter sports, luge involves one or two people lying on their backs on a tiny sled, feet first, while speeding down an icy track at roughly 140 kilometres per hour with no brakes to slow you down. Sliders use their calve muscles or shoulders to steer and turn corners perfectly in order to race down the tracks faster than their competitors.

4. Skeleton - If you thought luge sounded a little tame, then you should try out skeleton. Skeleton is similar to luge, but this time, instead of feet first, you go head first. To make it even wilder, athletes run almost 50 yards downhill before launching themselves on their sled to race down the winding course at speeds of roughly 130 kilometres per hour. It’s not exactly for the faint of heart.

5. Ice Sailing - Canadians are adept at taking summer sports and creating winter versions. Especially since, after all, winter is our most prominent season. Ice sailing is a great example of this, because who said you can’t go sailing in the winter? Take a sailboat and add skates. Let the wind whisk you across frozen lakes and rivers, doing your best to avoid thin ice.

6. Snow kiting - Although cold windy days convince most people to hide indoors, those are the ideal conditions for snow kiting enthusiasts. Snow kiting involves holding onto a large kite as the wind pulls you on your skis or snowboard. Although this sport has been around for decades, it has recently become more common, especially in northern Canada.

7. Ice diving - If you’re looking for a rush, try diving into the frigid icy waters of a Canadian lake, river or ocean in the middle of winter. Ice diving is an extreme winter sport, but it seems like the entire country has come to adopt it. On New Year’s Day, many cities across Canada participate in a “polar bear dip” to ring in the new year (and shock the hangover out of your system).

8. Ice racing - Because again, anything that can be done in summer can be adjusted for the colder months, right? Racing cars on the road is fun, but when combined with snow and ice it’s just that much better. Tracks are flooded to create icy routes for cars to race along. The colder the temperature, the better the time. You might be wondering how drivers don’t slide into the first snowbank? The trick: finely studded tires to add traction and learning how to perfectly drift around each corner.


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