A Remembrance Day Look at Animals in Service

While most of us think of our cats and dogs as family members, there is a long history of animals not just living with us as companions, but also working alongside us in various service roles. With Remembrance Day coming up, we want to pay tribute to those animals who have served and continue to serve with our forces, both in combat zones and at home with our returning veterans.

Over 16 million animals served in the First World War. Used for transport, communication and companionship, animals in service included horses, camels, cats and dogs, and pigeons.Horses, donkeys, mules and camels carried supplies, munitions and medical materiel to the troops at the front. Dogs served as scouts and sentries. Messages were carried back and forth by cadres of dogs.

Even at this time, animals were also used as a comfort to soldiers during the physical hardship and emotional trauma of war. Many, dogs and cats, and some more exotic animals were kept as pets and mascots, providing emotional comfort and boosting morale.


Kindersley Legion Remembrance Day Service


Co-op Kid's Korner, Nov 04