Canadian Weather Trivia

1. Canada’s Coldest Temperature: -63C

Think your winter is going badly? Well, back in 1947, the small Yukon hamlet of Snag got hit with a ridiculously frigid day of -62.8C. Our bones hurt even thinking about that.

2. Record wind chill: -91C

Us Canadians know that normal recorded temperature is usually hiding something worse: windchill. In January of 1989, Pelly Bay in the Northwest Territories recorded a record low of -91C with the windchill. Yikes.

3. The most snowfall in one season: 2,446.5 cm

The Atlantic provinces might get hammered with the most consistent dumpings of snow, but in the winter of 1971-72, Revelstoke, British Columbia saw over 24 metres of snow. Talk about a ski season for the ages!

4. Greatest single-day snowfall: 145 cm

Once again, BC takes the cake for snow records. This time, Tahtsa Lake in BC’s interior got hit with 145 cm of snow in one day. That happened in February of 1999, but it’s safe to assume people are still shoveling to this day.

5. The world’s biggest pond hockey tournament

Now, this should come as no surprise. The World Pond Hockey Championships take place in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick and are played on a frozen surface so big that 40 teams can be playing at one time.

6. The world’s largest naturally frozen skating rink

Every winter, Ottawa’s Rideau Canal freezes over and becomes the biggest skating rink in the entire world. It’s gorgeous, VERY Canadian, and tons of fun. After all, not all winter facts are bummers!

7. Polar Bear Capital of the world

Churchill, Manitoba has a very cool claim to fame, in that it is the world’s most populous polar bear region. In fact, you can book a “polar bear hotel” vacation if you feel like making some bitey friends.

8. Canada’s biggest temperature change

Alberta has a little thing called a “chinook”, which causes massive swings in temperature at just about any time of the year. Example: in the town of Pincher Creek back in 1962, the temperature shifted from -19C to +22C in the span of one hour. That’s a 41-degree change in 60 minutes! Insane to say the least.


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