Chatterbox: Weekly Tidbits from the Editor, Sep 11

There was certainly some excitement last week, both locally, provincially and internationally.

The entire province was on edge early in the week as the manhunt continued for Myles Sanderson. He was finally apprehended by RCMP near Rosthern at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, September 7. He died shortly after his arrest.

Closer to home, the RCMP were able to capture 2 men driving a stolen vehicle around the Plenty area with the help of ordinary citizens, including John Lloyd, who followed the suspects in his spray plane.

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on September 8 at the age of 96. Like many, I was saddened to hear the news. Why do we feel so sad? Grief experts say we mourn what she represents — and the passage of time in our own lives.

In even sadder news, the Saskatchewan Roughriders were obliterated 54-20 by the Winnipeg Bluebombers in the Banjo Bowl. It was the worst beatdown in Banjo Bowl history. If there is any consolation, the Edmonton Elks gave up 56 points to the visiting Calgary Stampeders in their Labour Day rematch, losing 56-28. The Riders and the Elks will play each other on Friday, September 16 at Mosaic Stadium to see who is the worst team in the CFL’s western division.


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