Check It Out: Be encouraged; you’re not alone

By Joan Janzen

A common joke goes like this: there is freedom of speech in China, but there is no freedom after speech. It’s meant to be humorous, yet it’s no joke that Canadians are beginning to personally relate to those words.

Andrew Lawton from True North recently interviewed a few Canadian guests on his show to discuss the topic. Noah Jarvis, a university student in Ontario, said campuses don’t respect free speech. “They feel they need to shape the minds of young people in the way they see fit,” he observed.

University of Calgary student, Liam Dunn sited the example of a student who was given a lower mark because of their viewpoint. The professor’s note on their paper said “Your conservative viewpoints are untrue”.

Both students acknowledged the incentive to write something your professors will agree with, in order to get a good mark. Yet Noah said, “Getting poor grades because of your opinions, inhibits your ability to challenge yourself. When you graduate, you’re used to suppressing your views. It breeds weak opposing voices.”

Andrew’s next guest, Catherine Marshall, an employment and labour lawyer, was able to verify Noah’s observation. “I’ve had a lot of conversations with doctors and lawyers who will quietly say I’ve deleted my twitter account, I’m not writing anymore. I’m so terrified if I say something that someone doesn’t like I’m gonna get a complaint, I’ll lose my licence, I’ll be suspended, and then I’ll have no ability to put food on my table,” Catherine said.

“That’s very disturbing. People who have interesting things to say, who should be thought leaders in their professions, are removing themselves from the arena. That’s not a good thing for society or democracy,” she noted.

Ironically, Catherine is currently acting for a former chair of the Alberta Human Rights Commission who was cancelled. You just can’t make this stuff up.

She said, “A great way to silence someone is by attacking their livelihood. If you attack their livelihood, they’re going to censor themselves.”

Catherine’s words speak volumes about what is happening in our country. She said she finds it very disturbing to see people get fired because of a comment they made, or because they donated to a certain cause.

“That’s a traumatic experience!” Catherine said. In addition to the trauma, her clients have to launch a law suit, fight their employer, face being called horrible names and being publicly shamed. “Most people don’t go down that path, and that’s why we aren’t seeing enough change in the system. These companies are getting away with it.” Even more alarming, the companies are learning this is a successful tactic and so are doing it more and more.

Catherine explained what it’s like for her clients. “I’ve backed a lot of clients who have been cancelled. It is a horrifying experience. You feel like you want to die. I’ve had clients who felt suicidal,” she explained. “The shame of being cancelled and told that you’re not worthy of being in society anymore is one of the most terrible human emotions.”

Catherine said the thought that people feel they have to be super safe, not say anything or express their opinions, and just hope they make it through life, is just plain wrong.

“When I see someone being abused on social media because they said something, I’ll publicly stand up for them. I don’t care if someone calls me terrible names because I know what it does to those people. The idea that someone is going to feel so emotionally ruined makes me upset. We have to stand up for them.  It means the world to that individual, and it’s also a way to show that they’re not alone. It takes some courage.”

Courage comes from many sources. A good support group can help you be courageous, but courage also comes from God. In the book ‘Testaments of Honour’, it was reported that Canada’s WWII veterans all had a Bible tucked in their left-hand pocket over their heart. Those soldiers were far from their loved ones, and needed courage.

As we approach Easter, I’ll leave you with this verse, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Be encouraged. You’re never alone. God loves you.


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