Check It Out: Freedom is our heritage

By Joan Janzen

The question asked was, “How do we know China has free speech?” The answer: “No one says otherwise.”

Throughout history, leaders acknowledged the value and benefits of free speech. John G. Diefenbaker once said, “Freedom includes the right to say what others may object to and resent ... The essence of citizenship is to be tolerant of strong and provocative words.” He was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1957-1963.

MP Pierre Poilievre said, “Time and time again I have new immigrants come up to me, and say this is not the country I wanted to come to. One of them even told me that he fled from the kinds of control that he now sees imposed here in this country.”

Former Premier Brad Wall said, “Giving a voice to provinces and First Nations that have historically felt alienated within the federation, will provide lasting benefits for our country.”

We now live in an era where everybody (not just politicians and the elite) has the opportunity to have their voice heard via social media. So it’s not surprising that Bill C-11, an Internet Censorship Bill is being pushed forward. Viva Frei, a Canadian lawyer and popular YouTuber, said “It clearly intends to suppress and govern the alternatives to state funded media.”

While Bill C-11 is being reviewed, Canadians are being punished for speaking freely. A 29-year-old teacher in Ontario, who made comments in a private teacher’s group, is experiencing the limits to allowed speech.

She simply said, “Kids aren’t in school to be indoctrinated with critical race theory (CRT). Schools should be non partisan. They should focus on modelling kindness to everyone, and speak out against any form of discrimination you see. This includes the discrimination brought on by anti racist movements. In some places, it is now illegal to teach CRT without offering a balanced, opposing view.” She provided a link to a video clip from parliament in Britain, which gave evidence to her claim.

A few teachers submitted a complaint about her comments, which resulted in a month long investigation. She was also suspended for a week without pay. A full year later, the complaint has escalated. She is currently under further investigation, with her teaching licence at stake, all because she voiced one well-meaning comment.

When asked how she felt about the investigation, she said, “It’s disappointing that this is being investigated. To me it doesn’t have any merit; we just have a difference of opinion. Living in a free society means the right to speak openly and freely; regardless if we agree or disagree, we should be allowed to speak.”

Rex Murphy said in an article in the National Post, “As an ideal, free expression has been ever present as a guiding star to the proper operation of any democracy.” In 2022 that guiding star is hidden behind a cloud of censorship.

Sixty years ago a Canadian Prime Minister said, “I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”

Meanwhile, in 2022, Canadians did not choose to be governed by a Liberal-NDP coalition; it was imposed upon them.

Diefenbaker also said, “We must vigilantly stand on guard within our borders for human rights and fundamental freedoms, which are our proud heritage ... we cannot take for granted the continuance and maintenance of those rights and freedoms.” Six decades later we are seeing what happens when people take those freedoms for granted.

As we near this Easter holiday, many will choose to celebrate by gathering with a family of believers. I pray we don’t take this freedom for granted, and more importantly we don’t take our Saviour and advocate for freedom, for granted. Have an awesome Easter, everyone!


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