Check It Out: The truth will always be revealed

By Joan Janzen

Here’s a funny comment I read: “I had a happy childhood. My dad used to put me in tires and roll me down hills. Those were Goodyears.” After having celebrated Thanksgiving, we can be grateful for the ‘good years’ we’ve had. However, there are examples of people who came out victorious in spite of adversity.

Jim Thorpe was one of those individuals. On the morning of his race in the 1912 Olympics, he discovered his running shoes had been stolen. However, that wasn’t about to stop him! He found two shoes in a garbage can, which he wore in the race. One of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Despite wearing mismatched shoes and socks, he won two gold medals that day.

Today, we are competing in a different kind of race, and our mismatched shoes could be labelled censorship and secrecy. John Campbell recently interviewed James Roguski on social media regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

James said that while more people are aware of the ‘Pandemic Treaty,’ he believes it is functioning as a distraction from a more immediate threat to our rights and freedoms. That threat involves proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, which, if adopted, would surrender health-related sovereignty over to the World Health Organization (WHO).

“In their own words, the WHO would then be able to implement the regulations without respect for human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms,” James stated. “There is an 18-month period in which leaders of every nation can step up and write a letter to the

WHO saying they invoke Article 61 and reject that for their nation. Well, they procrastinated and said nothing for 16 months, and there’s only two months left.”

The amendments will be approved by default unless there’s an intervention. Meanwhile, the media isn’t saying anything about it. James said to John Campbell, “What you have been doing is presenting all the information that everyone else is missing. Misinformation is actually the missing information they don’t want you to hear.”

The UK’s petition received 100,000 signatures, which they presented and are waiting for a scheduled discussion on this issue. “There has been no media release, no public comments, nothing on the news about this. This is quietly rolling along,” James noted. “But what is with all the secrecy?”

James advised everyone to inform their public servants about what’s happening and let them know you don’t approve. “Our public servants are busy listening to donors and lobbyists. We need to start yanking on their chain and get them to do what we want them to do. They work for us,” he advised.

Regarding censorship, Dr. Suneel Dhand pointed out a headline on ‘The Hill’ which declared, “YouTube announces new policies to target medical misinformation.”

“The platform is going to use advise from regional, local and world authorities as the benchmark to determine what is the truth. Anything that doesn’t follow that narrative is misinformation,” Dr. Dhand said. “The history of medicine has clamped down on alternative viewpoints.”

He listed numerous medical tragedies throughout history that proved the disastrous consequences of rejecting alternative viewpoints. The examples included thalidomide being promoted as a safe sedative for pregnant women in the 1950s and 1960s, which resulted in severe birth defects. Also, fifty or sixty years ago, doctors supported smoking and endorsed cigarette advertisements.

“Millions of people have died over the last few centuries all because the medical establishment want to stick to a narrative and didn’t allow doctors to be heard who had concerns,” Dr. Dhand observed.

“Unlike in times gone by, nowadays these medical establishments can collude with big technology companies to control the narrative, suppress any dissent, and censor anyone that they don’t like.”

Dr. Dhand moved to America fifteen years ago from the UK and became a US citizen several years ago. However, he said the American establishment dislikes doctors like himself simply because he doesn’t mindlessly follow protocols.

He explained, “Whenever I see a directive, the first thing I ask is ‘where has that come from?’, ‘what’s the evidence behind it?’, ‘what are the true benefits?’, and I want to know the absolute risk reduction.” He’s also very particular about doing his own research and seeing if there are any financial kickbacks involved.

“I want patients to be the centre of healthcare. I want every patient to be fully empowered and make a decision only after they know the true benefits and risks,” he added.

Even though we’re facing challenges of secrecy and censorship, we can’t let them hold us back from running our race and winning. Dr. Dhand’s favourite phrase is, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth. The truth will always come out in the end.”


Pop 89: Word-jackings


Happy Thanksgiving!