Christmas Memories: Reason for the Season

Precious Christmas Gift

One of our favourite family Christmas memories is when we had our baby while visiting Grandma and Grandpa for Christmas.

We knew the baby due date was getting closer so we did pack a car seat and diaper bag just in case. We attended the Christmas Eve service. The town’s expert baby delivery doctor who was also attending the service took one look at the protruding baby belly and made a point of finding Grandpa to tell him that if we needed to deliver he would be available.

Christmas Day passed uneventful and Boxing Day dawned and so did the imminent arrival of our baby. Though we had made plans to leave for home that day our baby thought else wise. The baby’s arrival was greeted also by an auntie who was able to slip in on the delivery. And a rather overwhelmed Grandma and Grandpa just had to walk to the hospital to see the newest grandchild rather than a many hours drive. We were discharged to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, placing the baby and car seat under the Christmas tree as she was our best present gift. She spent her night sleeping in a dresser drawer emptied just for this precious Christmas gift.

Michele Rast

Christmas at Gramma’s house

I always loved spending Christmas at Gramma’s house in Major, Sask. It was where we spent time with my cousins, ate delicious food and made memories.

There was never one thing I enjoyed more than another; I enjoyed it all! In the photo I am pictured with my older brother and my mom.

Bev Wenzel

Birthday party for Christmas

Christmas Eve in our childhood home we would celebrate Jesus birthday with a party. Since I can remember we have had pizza, birthday cake and everyone would take turns blowing out the candles; we would play games and even had balloons. Some years we would make homemade pizzas; other years we would order in, but the deal was we could only pay in change. So everyone would run around gathering up all the change in the house to pay for pizza. 

Today we have also started having hors d’oeuvres, dancing, crafts for kids and more. This is something that all 8 our homes (7 of us siblings and mom’s house) still continue to this day in our own way. Because really, Jesus is the reason for the season, so throw a birthday party!

Selena Edmunds

Swedish Christmas tradition

We had the Swedish tradition of 7:00 am Christmas morning church service. Mom getting us up and Dad driving us. It was so beautiful with candles in the windows and an advent wreath of candles with the Christ candle lit in the middle. There was amazing worship and music, and the sun was just peaking out as the bell was ringing as we were leaving.

Barbe Dunn

Christmas Vacation

My favourite memory is always making time to watch the movie Christmas Vacation with my kids. They are adults now, but it’s still a ritual each year!

I enjoy cooking with them now that they are adults. Last year we cooked a meal for everyone in our area who did not have a chance to cook Christmas dinner.

Jackie Oswald

Elf on a Shelf

Christmas time memories for myself include Christmas concerts, as well as my husband hiding the Elf on the Shelf for our girls when they were younger. Our oldest came home from school excited, and hoping to get an Elf on the Shelf. One day before Christmas, the Elf on the Shelf was hidden in her room.

The amazed and magical look on her face was worth every penny! The Elf would do some great tricks, like leaving little chocolate ‘droppings’ everywhere, as well as toilet papering the entire living room while hanging from the ceiling. Our girls are older now, but the Elf on the Shelf makes a comeback yearly in some pretty funny hiding spots.

Amber Schwengler

Reason for the Season

This Nativity has been in my family for 65 years! It was given to my parents as a Christmas gift from my Great Aunt and Uncle and was passed down to me from my Mom ten years ago.

It is my most cherished Christmas decoration.

Kate Winquist


The Garden Bug: Flowers for Iemanjá


Christmas Memories: Dashing, Nutcrackers, Young at heart