Council News: Nov 22 Regular Meeting

Town Council held a Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, November 22, 2021. The following agenda items were resolved.

7.2: The Council of the Town of Kindersley confirmed the municipality meets the following eligibility requirements to receive the Municipal Revenue Sharing Grant:

• Submission of the 2020 Audited Financial Statement to the Ministry of Government Relations

• Submission of the 2020 Public Reporting on Municipal Waterworks to the Ministry of Government Relations

• In Good Standing with respect to the reporting and remittance of Education Property Taxes

• Adoption of a Council Procedures Bylaw

• Adoption of an Employee Code of Conduct

• All members of Council have filed and annually updated their Public Disclosure Statements, as required

That they authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the Declaration of Eligibility and submit it to the Ministry of Government Relations.

7.3: Council resolved that Regular Meetings for 2022 shall convene at 5:00pm and be held at the Town of Kindersley Council Chambers, located 106 - 5th Avenue East, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, on dates set as follows: January - Monday 10 and Monday 24, February - Monday 14 and Monday 28, March - Monday 14 and Monday 28, April - Monday 11 and Monday 25, May - Monday 19 and Tuesday 24 (due to Victoria Day Monday), June - Monday 13 and Monday 27, July - Monday 11 and Monday 25, August - Monday 8 and Monday 22, September - Monday 12 and Monday 26, October - Tuesday 11 (due to Thanksgiving Monday) and Monday 24, November - Monday 14 and Monday 28, December - Monday 12.

7.4: Town Council resolved to direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into a One Million ($1,000,000) Line of Credit Agreement with Synergy Credit Union.

8.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to accept as submitted the list of accounts as paid by the Town of Kindersley and in the amount of $210, 449.91.

9.1: Council resolved to approve the Consent Agenda which includes the following items for acceptance and filing:

1. SSRWSI Board Meeting Agenda November 2021 2. SAW Fall 2021 Newsletter

3. SaskWater October Monthly Report


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