Do. Not. Insult. The. Chef.

Georgetown County (South Carolina) Sheriff’s officers were called to a home on July 28 on reports of an assault in progress, Fox59-TV reported. Deputies were told that the fight started while siblings Anthony Harper and Hope Harper were cooking chicken. Hope Harper allegedly asked her brother “why he didn’t season the chicken ... so it could crust up,” the report said. When Hope called Anthony a “dumb dog,” he pushed her into a table and punched her.

Someone else in the home fired a 9mm handgun into the ceiling, hoping to stop the brawl, but no -- Hope retrieved a steak knife and started swinging it at her brother. Next, their grandmother swatted Hope with a broom until she backed off. But Anthony, his chef cred cruelly questioned, picked up a can of Raid bug spray and sprayed Hope on the neck and face until she grabbed the can and sprayed him back. Each of the siblings is pressing charges against the other; both were released on bond.


The Garden Bug: Electroculture


Cartoons: Marriage Brochure